Dust in the home is something that keeps coming back no matter how often you clean. Dust is made up of all kinds of particles, including dead skin cells, clothing fibres, paper, and plant pollen to name a few. Many people with allergies find that their symptoms worsen in dusty environments. So, it’s important dust is kept under control in your home for the comfort of your family and guests.
Although it is near impossible to keep your home completely dust-free, it is possible to keep it under control.
Change Your Bedding Regularly
Bedding is a common environment for dust to accumulate as dead skin cells, dust, dirt from outside, and dust mites can easily build-up. To avoid this problem, it is important to wash your bedding at least once a week. To help people with allergies there are allergen-proof mattress covers that encase your mattress to prevent any allergic reactions, such as asthma. To thoroughly clean your mattress.
Keep Your Home Free from Clutter
Clutter in your home can create the perfect environment for dust to build-up. So don’t ignore piles of books, toys, magazines, or anything else that could sit for weeks without attention. Unfortunately, simply dusting around items won’t completely take care of any dust that has settled. Keeping your home free from clutter helps make weekly cleaning far easier.
Clean from the Top of Your House to the Bottom
When dusting your home, make sure you clean from the top of each room to the bottom. Cleaning the highest surfaces first and working your way down helps ensure all dust and dirt falls to the floor where it can be swept or hoovered up.
If You Have Severe Allergies, Use an Air Purifier
Having severe allergies or asthma symptoms can be very distressing, making daily life very difficult. If you have severe allergies, we would highly recommend purchasing an air purifier. Air purifiers help filter out dust particles from the air. However, they don’t mean you can ditch the duster because they don’t take care of dust mites (as these are not airborne), so regular dusting is still required.
Vacuum Your Home Twice a Week
Using a vacuum with a high-efficiency particulate air filter will ensure you’re removing as much dust from your home as possible. To reduce the dust in your home, we would recommend vacuuming at least twice a week – with special attention to high-traffic areas. Vacuuming is one of the most effective ways of cutting down the dust in your home and it is likely you will notice a difference straight away.
Sweep and mop Wooden Floors Often
If you have wooden floors, it is important you sweep them as often as you can. Dust is very visible on wooden floors and is easily tracked through the rest of your house. If you have time, try and dust your floors at the end of each day and give them a clean with a damp mop at least twice a week. The more frequently you clean your wooden floors, the more you’ll be able to keep dust under control. If you would like more tips on cleaning your wooden floors.
Dust Your Home Using Microfibre Cloths
Not all dusting cloths work effectively, and feather dusters tend to just spread the dust around. So, we would recommend using microfibre cloths for an extremely effective dusting. Microfibre cloths are designed to trap dust and hold onto it. To ensure an even more thorough dust of the surfaces in your home, you can use surface spray to ensure no loose dust is left behind.
Ask Guests to Take Their Shoes Off at the Door
One of the most effective ways to reduce dust in your home is to have people take off their shoes at the door. Mud and dirt is easily tracked into the house from dirty shoes and by leaving them at the door you can significantly reduce the amount of dust tracked into your home.
Keep Your Pets Well-Groomed
Pets carry dust and dirt and their fur can easily shred and build-up around the home. To keep your home as free from dust as possible it is important to keep your pets well-groomed. Be sure to groom your pets in the bathroom rather than on the couch or over carpet, as these areas can be harder to clean. Also, wash your pets’ bedding regularly.